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What is Saskatchewan Provincial Nominee Program?
Saskatchewan is one of the prairie provinces of western Canada. With its economy mainly based on agriculture and natural resources, it is one of Canada’s most rapidly growing economies.
With a special agreement with the Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada (IRCC), province of Saskatchewan is able to nominate skilled and capable immigrants for permanent residence in the province and that immigration pathway is known as Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP).
Immigration pathway by which the immigrant who wants to settle and work or study in the province of Saskatchewan is known as Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP). This program allows the Saskatchewan province to nominate the potential immigrants with the required skills and work experience that are required by local labor market for permanent residency status.
Canada is a nation of DREAMS.
There are following categories under SINP to nominate the immigrants with different skill sets:
- International Skilled Worker Category: For skilled immigrants who want to settle and work in the province.
- Saskatchewan’s Experience Category: For foreign nationals who are already living and working temporarily in the province.
- Entrepreneur and Farm Category: For experienced businessmen who want to run or buy their own business or run a farm in the province.
Each of the above-mentioned categories can have one or more sub-categories. These sub-categories will be discussed one by one in the coming section.
How to apply for SINP Program 2019?
In this, we will be discussing different categories of SINP and how to apply under these categories.
International Skilled Worker Category
As mentioned before, this category is for skilled workers who want to live and work in the province. There are three sub-categories and they are as follows:
International Skilled Worker: Employment Offer
This sub-category allows the skilled immigrants who have a job-offer for a skilled job in the province and have been able to meet the minimum criteria of the sub-category. The sinp requirements 2019 for this sub-category are as follows:
- Candidates have to score a minimum of 60 points out of 100 on the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) point assessment grid.
- Must have a minimum of one year of work experience in the past ten years in the intended occupation.
- For language proficiency, a minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level 4 is required.
- In case the intended occupation is in a regulated profession or compulsory apprenticeship trade then the candidate must be able to show proof of Saskatchewan licensure.
- Must have a job-offer letter for a full-time permanent job that is categorized under National Occupation Classification (NOC) skill level type 0, A, or B.
International Skilled Worker: Occupation In-Demand
This sub-category is for the skilled immigrants who do not have a job offer letter but have work experience in an occupation that is in demand in the province and must be able to meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Candidates have to score a minimum of 60 points out of 100 on the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) point assessment grid.
- For language proficiency, minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level 4 is required.
- Must have completed post-secondary education, training or apprenticeship that must be equal to Canadian education system for at least one year in length, for which Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) is required.
- Must have the following for the candidate’s field of education or training occupation:
One year of work experience in the past years in a skilled profession (non-trades)
Two years of work experience in a skilled trade in the past years or
One year of work experience in Canada in the past three years (trades or non-trades) - Must have work experience for an occupation that is in demand in the province. The respective occupation must be categorized under NOC skill level type 0, A, or B.
- Have proof of settlement funds and a settlement plan
- Must be able to provide proof of Professional Status or Licensure (for regulated occupations or those with professional certification standards in Canada and/or Saskatchewan) for the intended occupation
International Skilled Worker: Saskatchewan Express Entry
For the federal government’s express entry registered candidates who want to live and work in the province and are able to meet the SINP requirements for 2019 are as follows:
- Must have a valid Express Entry profile number and Job Seeker Validation code
- Have to score a minimum of 60 points out of 100 in the SINP point assessment grid
- Must provide valid language test results from a designated testing agency. It must be the same as the candidate has reflected in their Express entry profile.
- Must have completed post-secondary education, training, or apprenticeship that must be equal to the Canadian educational system which can be prove by getting the Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) of the pursued educational qualification.
- Must have the following for the candidate’s field of education or training occupation:
– One year of work experience in the past 10 years in a skilled profession (non-trades)
– Two years of work experience in a skilled trade in the past five years or
– One year of work experience in Canada in the past three years (trades or non-trades) - Must have worked in a highly skilled occupation categorized under NOC skill level 0, A, or B and must be in an occupation that is in demand in the province.
- Must have proof of settlement funds and a settlement plan.
Saskatchewan’s Experience Category
As mentioned before this category is for foreign workers who are currently living and working in the province on a valid work permit and wants to live in the province as a permanent resident via the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP). Following are the subcategories under Saskatchewan’s Experience Category:
Skilled Worker with Existing Work Permit
To apply under this stream, skilled immigrant must have been working in the province for the last six months on a valid work permit and must be able to meet the following criteria:
- Must have a job offer for a permanent skilled job that is categorized under NOC skill level 0, A, or B in the province.
- Must have a valid SINP job approval letter.
- Must have worked with the employer who is offering the job for a minimum of six months with a valid work permit.
- In case the job offer is for NOC level C type then the minimum requirement for language proficiency is CLB level 4.
- Proof of eligibility for Saskatchewan licensure in case the occupation is regulated in the province and requires mandatory certification or licensure.
Semi-skilled Agriculture Worker with an Existing Work Permit
To apply under this stream, skilled immigrant must have been working in the province for the last six months on a valid work permit and must be able to meet the following criteria:
- Must have a full-time job offer from a provincial employer. The job offered must be in the following NOC occupations:
– NOC 8431: General Farm Worker
– NOC 8432: Nursery and Greenhouse Worker - Valid SINP job approval letter
- Have worked for minimum of six months to the employer who is offering the job on a valid work permit. The job offered must be for the same job candidate has been working for the past six months. The work permit must be for one of the following programs:
– Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program
– International Experience Canada
– Temporary Foreign Worker Program - Must have completed the equivalent of Canadian secondary high school education or above.
- For the occupation of NOC level C type, the minimum requirement for language proficiency is CLB level 4.
Health Professionals
This stream is for skilled workers who have been working full-time in the province for at least six months, on a temporary work permit as a:
- Physician
- Nurse
- Other Health Professional
And must be able to meet the SINP requirements 2019 for nomination
Hospitality Sector Project
This steam is for the foreign candidate who wants to apply for permanent residency and are currently working in the province on a temporary work permit. Candidate must have been working with an SINP hospitality-approved employer for a minimum of six months (960 hours) and should be working in one of the following jobs:
- Food/Beverage Server (NOC 6513)
- Food Counter Attendant/Kitchen Helper (NOC 6711)
- Housekeeping/Cleaning Staff (NOC 6731)
And must be able to clear the following criteria: - Must have a valid work permit that is issued by Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada (IRCC) via Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) for one of the following:
– Food/Beverage Server (NOC 6513)
– Food Counter Attendant/Kitchen Helper (NOC 6711)
– Housekeeping/Cleaning Staff (NOC 6731) - Must have completed minimum Grade 12 education or its equivalent
- Must have worked for an approved employer by SINP to participate in the Hospitality Sector Project
- Must have worked with the employer who is offering the job for a minimum of six months
- A full-time and permanent job-offer from an approved Saskatchewan Hospitality sector
- Valid SINP job offer letter
- Minimum CLB level 4 is required for language proficiency
Long-Haul Truck Drivers
This sub-category allows trucking firms to bring long-haul truck drivers to the province. For to be qualified truck drivers have to begin doing work with an approved trucking firm in the province on a temporary foreign work permit. In the case when the trucking firm offers permanent employment, the truck driver can apply to SINP PNP 2019 for permanent resident status after six months of employment. And also must meet the following criteria:
- Must be working for an approved trucking firm for a minimumof six months on a temporary work permit. Permit being issued by IRCC and based on a positive LMIA from Service Canada
- Must possess a current Saskatchewan Class 1A driver’s license
- Must have full-time, permanent employment from the employer which must be an approved trucking firm in the province
- Minimum CLB level 4 or higher in the English language in all four categories (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing)
- Valid SINP job approval letter
Via this sub-category, students who have graduated from a recognized educational institution in Canada can apply for provincial nomination via SINP if they are able to meet the following sub-category sinp requirements for 2019 :
- Should have graduated from a recognized post-secondary educational institution in the province with a certificate, diploma or degree.
- Must have worked for a minimum of 6 months for paid employment in the province.
- Must possess a valid post-graduation work permit from IRCC.
- Must have a permanent, full-time job offer in the field for which the candidate has studied, from an employer of Saskatchewan province. Job offered must be categorized under NOC skill level 0, A, or B or in a designated trade.
- Must have a valid SIN Job Approval Letter
- For the job of NOC skill level type C, a minimum CLB level 4 is required.
Entrepreneur and Farm Category
This category is for immigrants who want to run their own business or farm in the province of Saskatchewan.
Entrepreneur Sub-category
Via this sub-category experienced individuals who want to invest in management talent and capital in province by establishing or partnering in a business can apply for provincial nomination under SINP. Applicants are required to take an active management role in the business. To apply under this sub-category, applicants have to submit their profile via Expression of Interest (EOI) system
Farm owners and Operators Sub-category
This sub-category is for experienced farmers with capital looking to invest in a farm to operate and settle in the province of Saskatchewan.