14110 – Survey interviewers and statistical clerks

Broad Occupation Category

1 – Business, finance and administration occupations


4 – Occupations usually require a secondary school diploma; or several weeks of on-the-job training

Major Group

14 – Administrative and financial support and supply chain logistics occupations

Sub-major group

141 – Office, court, and data support occupations

Minor group

1411 – Survey, statistical, and data entry occupations

Survey interviewers contact individuals to gather information for market research, public opinion polls or election and census enumeration. Statistical clerks code and compile interview and other data into reports, lists, directories and other documents. They are employed by market research and polling firms, government departments and agencies, utility companies, contact centres and other establishments. This unit group also includes clerks who observe and record information on traffic flow.

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Example Titles

  • Census enumerator

  • Coding clerk - statistics

  • Election enumerator

  • Interview clerk

  • Poll clerk

  • Public opinion interviewer

  • Statistical clerk

  • Survey interviewer

  • Telephone survey clerk

Main Duties

This group performs some or all of the following duties:

Survey interviewers

  • Contact individuals by telephone or in person and explain the purpose of the interview

  • Ask questions following the outlines of questionnaires and surveys

  • Record responses on paper or enter responses directly into a computer database through computer-assisted interviewing systems.

Statistical clerks

  • Check information gathered for completeness and accuracy

  • Code information according to established coding manuals and enter data into statistical-based computer programs

  • Conduct routine statistical analysis of data

  • Compile interview and other data into reports and lists.

Employment Requirements

  • Completion of secondary school may be required.

  • Experience in the operation of a computer may be required.

  • On-the-job training is usually provided.

  • May require driver's licence.